The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has published its regular annual report on Hungary on the institution’s website. In accordance with Article IV of the IMF's Articles of Agreement, the institution prepares an economic policy assessment of each member country at least once each year.

In order to gather information, the IMF delegation stayed in Budapest on 21st-30th January 2015. The members of the delegation met with high-ranking officials and experts of the Government and the National Bank of Hungary as well as financial market stakeholders.

The report acknowledges the achievements of the Hungarian economy, the outstanding level of economic growth and the attainment of goals concerning external and internal balances and reducing the country’s vulnerability.

The next round of consultations under Article IV of the IMF's Articles of Agreement is expected to take place in one year’s time.

To read the original, English language version please visit the IMF website:

(Ministry for National Economy)