Data recall the high season: the number of guests and tourism nights was up by 7.3 percent and 6.7 percent year-on-year, respectively, in the month of September 2015. Thanks to outstanding hotel occupancy ratios, the volume of revenues at accommodation establishments soared by 17.1 percent in the first autumn month. Confuting worries triggered at the height of the migration crisis, inbound tourist arrivals were not only higher than last year’s figure, but they increased more than in August.

In September 2015, 486 thousand foreign guests spent 1.29 million tourism nights at accommodation establishments; these figures constitute year-on-year growth of 6 percent and 7.3 percent, respectively. Accommodation establishment revenues generated by non-residents surged 17.5 percent.

In the observed month, 423 thousand domestic guests spent 919 thousand tourism nights at accommodation establishments, which figures show year-on-year increases of 8.8 percent and 5.8 percent, respectively. Accommodation establishment revenues generated by residents rose by 16.1 percent.

In light of the number of tourism nights by non-residents, there was massive growth concerning seven out of the ten largest source countries. In four cases, the sector recorded double-digit increases (Czech Republic: 18.8 percent, USA: 17.9 percent, Italy: 12.7 percent, United Kingdom: 12.2 percent). Tourism traffic growth regarding Czech and German guests, who mainly favour destinations in the countryside, is especially encouraging given the fact that this year’s fall in the number of arrivals by Russians was highly negative for locations outside of Budapest. Still, Russia ranked as 7th among Hungary’s major source countries also in September.

Following a strong start at the beginning of the year, an excellent summer season and great September data, statistics for the initial nine months of the year are also favourable: in January-September 2015, 8.16 million guests spent 20.75 million tourism nights at accommodation establishments. These figures show year-on-year growth of 8.4 percent and 6.4 percent, respectively.

Despite the high base last year, guests spent even more, HUF 166.5bn, up by 14 percent year-on-year, at accommodation establishments in the observed nine-month period. Turnover through SZÉP Cards was 4.8 percent higher, totalling HUF 14bn.

The fact that in this nine-month period the number of tourism nights gained more than in the entire year of 2011 signals strong growth momentum. The positive trend was also underpinned by higher turnover in each region.

Data also show that the Hungarian tourism sector may close another bumper year, in terms of both tourism traffic and revenues.

(Ministry for National Economy)