We have a new tax authority that has become capable of assisting the expansion of the Hungarian economy though its own tools, Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga said at the first National Tax Consultation conference, organized by the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) and the largest tax consultancy firms in Budapest.

Deputy Minister and NAV President András Tállai said that they are aiming to create a client-friendly tax authority that is modern even in international comparison, which clients regard as a partner and not something to be afraid of.

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The achievements of the Hungarian economy have recently been acknowledged by the European Commission, the OECD and two out of the big three credit rating agencies, Mihály Varga pointed out, adding that currents results could not have been reached and future plans will be not be realizable without the proper coordination of economic and taxation policies. The recent reorganization of NAV has been aimed at creating an authority with a new attitude: one which handles clients as partners and which helps private persons and enterprises alike in matters of taxation, easing their administrative burdens and shortening time-consuming processes.

Taxation policy continues to be focused on families, workers and SMEs, Mihály Varga said. In coming years, the Government aims to further reduce the overall burden of taxes and contributions as much as the budget and competitiveness aspects allow, but international models must also be taken into consideration.

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Among priority areas, the Minister mentioned the fight against tax fraud and efforts to create more economic transparency. The introduction of the road transportation control system (EKAER) and on-line cash registers have also been instrumental for an increase of HUF 550bn (EUR 1.7bn) in budget revenues in 2015 compared to the prior estimate.

Private persons have also benefited from lower administrative burdens, as next year the NAV is to prepare the tax returns of 4 million people, he stated.

(Ministry for National Economy)