The investment project of British American Tobacco (BAT) proves that Government measures aiming to protect non-smokers and hinder the access of youth to tobacco products did not weaken market competition. The group’s project is a sign of trust in the Hungarian labour force and the Government, Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga said at the opening ceremony of the new production site of Pécsi Dohánygyár Kft.

In the new, 8850sqm production facility completed through a HUF 9bn project, the company will manufacture a new product, a small cigar rolled in tobacco leaves. The bulk of these exclusively made products are planned to be exported.

DownloadPhoto: Géza Dede/NGM

CEO of BAT Central Europe Richard Widmann stressed in his speech that this investment project is the largest in Hungary since the company settled in the country in 1992. Since the establishment of the Group’s Hungarian subsidiary, investment totalled some HUF 54bn, he added. He emphasised that the Government’s strong commitment to developing Hungarian industry and creating jobs in productive sectors has been encouraging and reassuring.

As Pécs Mayor Zsolt Páva (Fidesz) pointed out this BAT project is conveying the message that the company has been dedicated to the city.

(Ministry for National Economy)