“The basis for the country’s economic success is that many successful enterprises that are capable of being the engines of development should operate in Hungary”, Mihály Varga said at the 6th Jász Expo and Festival in Jászberény.

In his opening speech, the Minster of National Economy stressed: “The Government’s goal is to provide the best possible conditions for enterprises and according it will continue to improve the business environment in future and facilitate access to development funding”.

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“The strengthening of Hungarian small and medium-sizes enterprises, their appearance on local, regional and international markets and their rapid involvement in the work of large value chains is essential to Hungary’s economic development”, the Minister emphasised. “This requires the government, local and county municipalities and professional chambers to think and act together, and of course also the support of large corporations”, he added.

“The Government wishes to be a partner to every Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprise, to enable it to achieve growth”, Mr. Varga declared. “This goal is also served, amongst others, by the fact that in the new EU programming period until 2020 the Government is spending 60% of funding directly on economic development, including 490 billion forints (EUR 1.6bn) for the development of Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises”, he added.

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“Jászberény’s great achievement is that for years it has been hosting expos and trade fairs that are directly aimed at helping the region’s enterprises enter the market and stimulate economic life as a result”, the Minister highlighted. “This expo and fair is exemplary, because the aim of exhibitors, backers and the organisers alike is to create opportunities for enterprises”, he explained.

(Ministry for National Economy)