The Government is determined to defend Hungarian economic operators against the discriminatory measures introduced by Western European countries which adversely affect Hungary’s market, Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga said at a press conference.

Following a meeting with hauliers’ advocacy groups, the Minister said that the Germany-initiated regulation that tightens rules on compulsory rest periods is biased and impracticable, and it only aims to hinder the operation of hauliers from the CEE region. These rules, the Minister stressed, will dent Europe’s competitiveness and endanger 15 thousand jobs in Hungary.

As the Minister noted, although certain provisions of Germany’s law on minimum wage had prompted the European Commission to start an infringement procedure against the country, this process has been dragged out as long as possible the EU. Adverse administrative rules are designed to force out CEE companies from the EU market, and Hungary cannot just ignore it.  The haulage sector accounts for 7 percent of Hungary’s GDP, and restrictions may endanger 15 thousand jobs and cut fiscal revenues by HUF 300bn. The Visegrad Four has recently joined forces to protect the region’s economy, and made a joint declaration of cooperation.

At the meeting, participants agreed that the interest of Hungarian enterprises must be safeguarded.

(Ministry for National Economy)