The volume of retail sales has been up for more than two years in Hungary and the volume growth registered in the month of July was the largest since the onset of the crisis, Minister of State for Economic Regulation Béla Glattfelder told public news channel M1, commenting on the latest data published by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH).

Béla Glattfelder pointed out that data show increasing sales volumes and those who had predicted a retail sector slump due to the introduction of Sunday shopping restrictions have been proven wrong.

In comparison to other EU countries, the Hungarian growth figure was among the best, he added. It is especially noteworthy that the volume of sales at food retailers increased year-on-year by more than 6 percent in July, posting one of the highest July figures in the past years.

Speaking about restrictions on Sunday shopping he stressed that the number of people employed by the retail sector was up by 4400 over the past one year and the number of vacancies that remained unfilled due to the shortage of skilled labour force has reached 5500.

The Minister of State said the 6.3 percent growth rate registered in the first half of the year exceeded the Government’s expectations. As underlying processes are believed to remain unchanged in the remainder of the year -- with improving employment, real wage and inflation trends – Hungary’s retail sector is set to close a good year.

(Ministry for National Economy)