In the period January-April 2015, wages in real terms increased significantly, by 4.8 percent, within the national economy, the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported earlier today. In comparison to April 2014, the number of private sector jobs was 46 thousand higher at enterprises with at least five employees.

Within the national economy, gross and net wages averaged HUF 241 600 and HUF 158 200 (excluding family tax allowances) in the observed period, which – thanks to an unchanged tax system -- shows an increase of 3.9 percent year-on-year. Including family tax allowances, net wages averaged HUF 165 100.

Excluding the effect of public work schemes, gross wages averaged HUF 260 000 in the private sector, HUF 237 700 at budgetary institutions and HUF 229 600 at non-profit organizations in the period January-April 2015.

Thanks to the 0.9 percent decline of consumer prices, wages in real terms increased more than gross wages. Thus, in January-April 2015, wages in real terms were up by 4.8 percent, and -- excluding the effect of public work schemes -- they increased by 3.8 percent. Excluding public work schemes, wages in real terms were 4.4 percent higher within the private sector, 2.3 percent higher in the public sector and 2.7 percent higher in the non-profit sector. Wages of public work employees increased by 4.4 percent over the past one year.

Wage increases this year were mainly the result of wage hikes and the favourable inflationary environment. Positive economic outlook augurs further wage and employment growth.

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(Ministry for National Economy)