20 August is the celebration of the outstanding performance which manifested itself in the establishment of a new, united, Christian Hungary, Minister of Finance Mihály Varga pointed out at the event held in the City of Eger on the occasion of the national holiday. The Finance Minister attended Holy Mass in the Basilica which was celebrated by Archbishop of Eger Dr Csaba Ternyák.

The Minister said at the event that St. Stephen’s life work is unique also by historical standards because it is thanks to him that we are writing Hungarian history to this day, and he built a strong Christian state which has stood its ground in the rankings of nations. Our first king left us a country whose people have been able to preserve their national character, pride and desire for freedom and free decisions to this day.

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The Minister stressed that, just as in the past, also today it is crucial that we build a strong state which relies on Christian traditions and Hungarian traditions, which is able to create security for its citizens and to enforce their interests, and which is equally able to create the conditions for swift development. The government is working on the basis of these principles, and places the interests of the Hungarian people above all else. Therefore today Hungary is a state whose economy is growing fast, and a country where the people have jobs providing them with a living and increasing salaries, Mr Varga said.

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The Finance Minister pointed out that we owe our results to the determination that we had the courage to follow our own economic policy, and today we are able to build our plans for the future on safe economic foundations. It is a task for the future to help Hungary advance to the ranks of the most advanced European countries.

(Ministry of Finance)