Ministry of Finance

Mihály Varga

Minister of Finance

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Vocational training agreement concluded between NGM and the German-Hungarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce

Ministry of Finance, April 7, 2015 2:35 PM

The Ministry for National Economy (NGM) and the German-Hungarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DUIHK) concluded an agreement on vocational training. The document was signed by Minister of State for the Labour Market and Vocational Training Sándor Czomba and DUIHK President Dale A Martin.

Regular annual IMF report on Hungary released

Ministry of Finance, April 7, 2015 10:08 AM

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has published its regular annual report on Hungary on the institution’s website. In accordance with Article IV of the IMF's Articles of Agreement, the institution prepares an economic policy assessment of each member country at least once each year.

Growth estimate to be revised upward at the end of April in Hungary

Ministry of Finance, April 1, 2015 3:33 PM

GDP growth this year is expected to be much higher than the former estimate indicates, but related data are still being calculated and the Government may accordingly revise the GDP growth estimate at the end of this month, Minister of State for Public Finances Péter Benő Banai said at a press conference earlier today.

General government budget balance in 2014 better than former projection

Ministry of Finance, April 1, 2015 1:22 PM

According to preliminary data, the deficit of the general government sector was 2.6 percent of GDP or HUF 829.1bn in 2014 instead of the 2.9 percent prior estimate. Primary deficit – excluding interest expenditures – fell to 1.5 percent of GDP from 2.1 percent last year. The gross general government debt-to-GDP ratio was 76.9 percent at the end of last year, down by 0.4 percentage points compared to the previous year. These data provide strong proof that the 2015 deficit estimate will be met and the level of debt is set to fall further.

Foreign trade off to a good start in 2015

Ministry of Finance, April 1, 2015 11:22 AM

In January 2015, foreign trade continued to expand: the volume of exports and imports was up by 7.4 percent and 5.8 percent, respectively, compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. The manufacturing sector has remained the main driving force of foreign trade: in the first month of the year, sales related to vehicle manufacturing and related divisions saw a massive gain again. The value of exports and imports totalled EUR 6.8bn and EUR 6.1bn, respectively, in the observed period, and thus the sector posted a surplus of EUR 709 million, up by EUR 202 million, year-on-year.

Awards for Successful Enterprises presented for the month of February 2015

Ministry of Finance, March 30, 2015 3:04 PM

Sustained economic growth requires ambitious enterprises that take a positive view on the future, Minister for National Economy (NGM) Mihály Varga stated at the ceremony for presenting the February Awards for Successful Enterprises in Budapest.

Tourism relations between China and the CEE region enter a new stage

Ministry of Finance, March 27, 2015 2:18 PM

Tourism coordinators of 16 Central and Eastern European countries, representatives of related ministries and 127 tour operators with Chinese tourism ties are meeting in person for the first time at the China-CEE Tourism Cooperation Conference organized on 25th-27th March in Budapest. At the event, the launching of a new Beijing-Budapest flight was also announced.

Number of people in employment stays above 4 million

Ministry of Finance, March 27, 2015 11:10 AM

The number of people in employment continued to rise, according to the latest report of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH). In December 2014-February 2015, the number of those in employment aged 15-74 years increased year-on-year by 111 thousand, to 4 million 124 thousand. Thus, the number of people with a job has been above the 4 million mark for more than one year and unemployment also fell in the observed period.

Hungary calls for zero tolerance in auditing

Ministry of Finance, March 26, 2015 3:49 PM

Deputy State Secretary for Taxation and Accounting Zoltán Pankucsi asked for zero tolerance at the plenary session of the European Audit Inspection Group (EAIG) held in Budapest. He stressed that the supervisory authorities of the twenty-eight EU member states must take a firm stance against negligent auditors or those involved in fraud.

We aim for full employment

Ministry of Finance, March 26, 2015 2:18 PM

Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga said that cutting government debt and improving employment are the two main objectives of Hungarian economic policy.