Ministry of Finance

Mihály Varga

Minister of Finance

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V4 are strengthening Europe’s competitiveness

Ministry of Finance, September 3, 2019 7:11 PM

The significance of the Visegrád countries and Central and Eastern Europe in a wider sense is on the increase; the region continues to remain the European Union’s engine where economic growth is exceeding the EU’s average on a long-term basis, Gábor Gion, Minister of State for Finances of the Ministry of Finance stressed at a business forum held in Krynica Zdrój in Poland.

Hungarians are investing in their own country

Ministry of Finance, August 31, 2019 7:51 PM

According to the latest data, Hungarian Government Securities Plus (MÁP+) subscriptions now amount to HUF 1,795 billion, and subscription figures indicate that MÁP+ could, on the one hand, be capable of channelling also newly generated incomes to savings and on the other of reducing the portfolio of retail cash, Gábor Gion, Minister of State for Finances of the Ministry of Finance told the Hungarian daily Magyar Hírlap.

Hungarian economy’s performance offers new opportunities to German businesses as well

Ministry of Finance, August 30, 2019 11:01 AM

German businesses settling in Hungary have been important players in Hungary in the three decades since the fall of communism. They contributed to the creation of a market economy in Hungary with their investments, the sharing of experience and the requirements they set, Finance Minister Mihály Varga stated at the jubilee celebration of Continental Automotive Hungary Kft. established in 1989.

Double-digit pay rise supports economic growth

Ministry of Finance, August 30, 2019 10:58 AM

The government’s economic policy resting on pay rises and tax reductions, too, plays a key role in the fact that in the first half of this year wages increased by 10.6 per cent.

Domestic investments continue to grow dynamically

Ministry of Finance, August 29, 2019 1:32 PM

In the first half of this year, investments worth more than HUF 4,000 billion were implemented in Hungary; these are a meaningful contribution to the country’s spectacular growth. The government’s measures seeking to promote investment, the utilisation of EU funds, the success of the housing programme, Hungary’s economic policy and the positive business environment which attracts investments to the country all played a prominent role in an expansion in the magnitude of almost twenty per cent.

Employment in Hungary is above 70 per cent

Ministry of Finance, August 28, 2019 12:11 PM

In Hungary the rate of employment has risen to above 70 per cent, while the number of those in employment has never before been this high; as many as 4,518,000 people are in employment in Hungary, Finance Minister Mihály Varga stated.

Performance of Hungarian economy attracts more and more Indian businesses to Hungary

Ministry of Finance, August 26, 2019 7:49 PM

The performance of the Hungarian economy is attracting more and more investors to Hungary also from the Asian region; in the past few years, Indian-owned businesses have invested more than EUR 2 billion in Hungary.

Hungarian economy continues to expand dynamically

Ministry of Finance, August 14, 2019 1:22 PM

The government’s measures seeking to boost the economy are a success; also in the second quarter of 2019, the performance of the Hungarian economy grew dynamically, by 5.1 per cent, Finance Minister Mihály Varga stated at a press conference.

Budget closed the month of July with a surplus

Ministry of Finance, August 8, 2019 2:00 PM

As a result of the Government policy aiming for job growth and tax reductions as well as economic performance, the state budget closed the month of July with a surplus of HUF 37.2bn (EUR 114 million). Accordingly, the deficit of the central sub sector totalled HUF 352.7bn in the period January-July 2019, which constitutes 35.5 percent of the full-year deficit target. The target of 1.8 percent of GDP continues to be attainable.

Measures adopted by the government have contributed to rise in wages

Ministry of Finance, July 30, 2019 6:55 PM

Measures adopted by the government, including tax reductions and the agreement concluded by the government and the private sector on minimum wages and guaranteed wage minimums, have contributed to the rise in wages.