“Agriculture could be the engine of Kazakh-Hungarian economic cooperation”, Minister of Agriculture Sándor Fazekas said in Astana following discussions on agricultural issues affecting the two countries with Kazakhstan’s First Vice-Minister of Agriculture Kairat Aituganov.

Mr. Fazekas highlighted the fact that one of the cornerstones of our strategic partnership with Kazakhstan is the food industry sector, in addition to which we are ready to share our agricultural technology experience in the interests of enabling Kazakhstan to make more efficient use of its farmland.


In the interests of reinforcing relations between experts and research institutes from the two countries, the Ministry of Agriculture’s background institution, the National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre (NARIC) has concluded cooperation agreements with the Kazakh Research Institute of Fisheries (KazNIIRH), the National Agricultural Research & Education Centre and the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

Following the bilateral meeting, the Hungarian Minister of Agriculture attended the Hungarian National Day programme at the Expo 2017 International Exhibition in Astana, during the course of which guests from Kazakhstan and all over the world were introduced to Hungarian research results and our cultural heritage through a series of cultural and professional programs.


At the opening ceremony of the National Day, during which a speech was also given by Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga, Mr. Fazekas highlighted the fact that the Hungarian Pavilion presents an image of the future in which we use our own energy reserves, and which showcases the developments, and innovative and creative results with which we can successfully make progress within the field of the research and application of green energy. In line with the Expo’s motto, “Future Energy”, the Hungarian Pavilion also presents several energy-related and technological developments, particularly with relation to solar energy.

(Ministry of Agriculture Press Office)