Hungary’s Deputy Minister of Agriculture István Nagy and First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Evgeny Vasilievich Gromyko met in Budapest to discuss the state of Hungarian-Russian agriculture and food industry cooperation and assess further opportunities for expansion.

At the meeting, which was held at Hungary’s Ministry of Agriculture, Mr. Nagy and Mr. Gromyko reviewed the current state, perspectives and main directions of Hungarian-Russian agriculture and food industry cooperation. The discussed issues relating to animal and plant health supervisory authorities and scientific cooperation on agriculture.

DownloadPhoto: Ilona Francz/Ministry of Agriculture

They agreed to hold further consultations in the interests of facilitating the appearance of their products on each other’s markets, taking into account current regulations.

Both parties welcomed the realisation of the 10 million euro food pre-mix plant in Yasnogorsk, Tula County, the result of a 100% Hungarian private investment.

The Hungarian and Russian Deputy Agriculture Ministers voiced their support for the exchange of information between their respective research institutes and agreed to facilitate student exchanges and joint research programmes.

DownloadPhoto: Ilona Francz/Ministry of Agriculture

At the meeting, Mr. Nagy declared that Hungary would very much like to participate in Russian agriculture and set as a target the expansion of previous, traditional projects t include new projects, as well as an increase in the number of successful business deals.

Relevant Hungarian participants also attended the meeting to assure that as many projects as possible may be realised in future.

Hungary is striving to exploit new areas of cooperation that are not affected by the Russian embargo. Russia has launched an import replacement programme and Hungary is striving to make use of the inherent opportunities, including within the field of agriculture, and is providing assistance to Hungarian enterprises so they don’t lose their market positions but can instead participate in these programmes.

(Ministry of Agriculture)