“The Danube-Ipoly National Park is launching a conservation programme in Komárom-Esztergom County with a total budget of 585 million forints (EUR 1.9M) to restore the aquatic habitats of the Tát islands and to protect bat colonies in the Gerecse, Pilis and Vertes Hills”, the National Park’s Director, András Füri, announced at a press conference in Esztergom on Monday.

“Populations of protected species and the diversity of flora and fauna on the Tát islands of the Danube have fallen due to a lack of flooding and rapidly receding floodwaters. The restoration of the habitat will involve dredging to allow water in between the islands and the regulation of water flow using a sluice”, Mr. Füri said at the press conference, which was also attended my Members of Parliament János Bencsik and Pál Völner.

“An artificial lake will be established on one of the islands to facilitate the unhindered breeding of birds and amphibians, in addition to which autochthonous tree species will be introduced to replace invasive foreign species. The wintering and breeding grounds of bat colonies that are important with relation to conservation will be safeguarded through the partial closure of the entrances to 19 caves and 5 artificial caverns in the Gerecse, Pilis and Vértes Hills”, the National Park Director told the press. “The projects will be realised within the framework of the Environment and Energy Efficiency Operational Programme using both EU and domestic funding.

The Danube-Ipoly National Park has applied for funding for eight projects within the framework of the Programme, with a total budget of 2.7 billion forints (EUR 8.7M)”, Mr. Füri added.

(Ministry of Agriculture Press Office)