“Morocco represents a key strategic partner for Hungary and the goal with relation to the Southern Opening policy is to further deepen bilateral relations”, Deputy Minister of Agriculture István Nagy stressed as a meeting with the Kingdom Of Morocco’s Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development, Water and Forests Aziz Akhannouch.

The Deputy Minister pointed out that Hungary has a significant, internationally recognised knowledge base within the fields of developing fresh water aquaculture and water management, fish biology and fish genetics, and fish feeding technologies, which it is ready to share with Morocco. Moroccan forestry experience could be of great use to Hungary in view of the fact that Morocco is performing successful forestry management in extremely arid areas for which Hungary has not yet found a solution, while the examination of Hungary’s cedar population could be of interest to Morocco. An agreement was concluded on cooperation between the two countries’ research institutes.

Mr. Nagy expressed his satisfaction with the fact that the framework agreement on cooperation between the two countries’ food safety authorities had been drafted, and which is expected to also give new impetus to agricultural trade relations.

In addition, Mr. Nagy held a short meeting on the development of Hungarian-Gabonese agricultural relations with Gabon’s Minister of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Patricia Tayé Zodi. Gabon’s strategy centres on its large areas of forest and major areas of unused farmland, and is aimed at ending the country’s dependency on imports. Hungary has initiated the establishment of relations between the two countries’ researchers and we are also examining opportunities for technological cooperation.

The Hungarian Deputy Minister is in Morocco to attend the SIAM international agriculture expo in Meknes. Several Hungarian enterprises are showcasing their products at the fair within the framework of a national stand.

(Ministry of Agriculture Press Office)