The Agriculture Ministers of the European Union’s Member States have adopted a political resolution on reinforcing the situation of farmers within the supply chain and on reducing unfair practices on the part of distributors. They have taken a firm stand in support of the fact that next year the European Commission should put forward a proposal with which the EU can successfully combat unfair trade practices.

“We have supported the initiative throughout, both at Visegrád Group level and at EU forums. The Government is taking a firm stand to protect farmers. Unfair distribution practices with relation to agricultural and food industry products has already been regulated in Hungary for years”, Minister of State for Public Administration Andrea Gulyás, the head of the Hungarian delegation highlighted.

Mr. Gulyás stressed that in addition to the measures already introduced, the situation of farmers within the food supply chain must be further improved, because they are the most vulnerable participants within the supply chain. According to the standpoint of the Ministry of Agriculture, the risks caused by price fluctuations must be distributed fairly between the sector’s participants, in addition to which markets must also be made more transparent.

In November, the Expert Group on Agricultural Markets set up last year by the European Commission with Hungarian involvement published a report on the subject. The document puts forward recommendations within the fields of market transparency, risk management, trade practices, contractual relationships, competition regulations and financing in the interests of stabilizing the position of farmers within supply chains.

(Ministry of Agriculture Press Office)