The EU’s environment ministers met in Brussels on 17 December 2014. The Hungarian delegation was led by Parliamentary State Secretary Dr. István Nagy.

At the meeting, the member states adopted new legislation on reducing the use of lightweight plastic bags and limiting pollution from medium combustion plants. Other topics of discussion included the future of EU air quality and waste policy and international development goals for the period after 2015.

The EU agreed on a draft directive to reduce the consumption of lightweight plastic bags (less than 50µ thick), a move which is in full harmony with Hungarian efforts. In recent years, Hungary has achieved significant results with regard to reducing the use of polluting plastic bags and as such is already fulfilling the latest EU requirements. A compulsory levy must be paid with relation to all such packaging materials.

The new EU regulations on limiting the emissions of certain pollutants into the air from medium combustion plants was adopted by a qualified majority of member states, including Hungary, based on the related domestic regulations. The member states also unanimously called on the European Commission to determine how it plans to continue talks on two large packages of recommendations relating to waste management and air quality. The Hungarian State Secretary urged for the determination of achievable goals based on realistic data. The topic was included on the agenda because, on the day before the session, the Commission confirmed that it would be reviewing its previous recommendations, and although Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella did not provide further details at the meeting of the Environment Council, he promised to present his concrete ideas with regard to air quality protection goals and the establishment of a circular economy as soon as possible, before the end of 2015.

With relation to the process of discussions on the Post-2015 Agenda for international development, the Parliamentary State Secretary told the press that Hungary is proud to have been able to play a determining role as Co-Chair of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals. The UN General Assembly has declared the reports and recommendations of the Open Working Group to be the determining basis for continuing talks on the Post-2015 Agenda and Hungary will continue to strive to play and active role in the process. Dr. Nagy wished his Kenyan and Irish colleagues, who will be co-chairing the international negotiations on the Post-2015 Agenda, good luck and perseverance for this challenging task.

(Ministry of Agriculture)