“As a result of climate change, we must also prepare for the appearance of new contagious animal diseases. These represent a challenge for our animal health, food safety and trade systems that can only be effectively handled through international cooperation”, the Ministry of Agriculture’s Deputy State Secretary for Origin Protection, Péter Gál highlighted at the session of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation’s (FAO) European Commission on Agriculture.

The main topic of the session was the effect of climate change on the spread of contagious animal diseases. In recent years, some diseases that were previously regarded as exotic, such as Bluetongue disease (BTV), African swine fever (ASF) or lumpy skin disease (LSD), which affects cattle, have also appeared in Europe. With regard to these diseases it is particularly important to take the necessary preventive action to stop their spread, which is only possible via cooperation between the countries affected.


In his opening speech, the Deputy State Secretary also spoke about the fact that it has now become clear to everyone that microorganisms are becoming increasingly resistant to certain antibiotics, which could also have serious consequences with relation to human healthcare systems.

Some 150 participants from 50 countries attended the meeting, which was held on 27-28 September at the Ministry of Agriculture. In addition to panel discussion and lectures, the meeting’s participants will also be going on a study tour of rural Hungary, within the framework of which they will be visiting Hunland Limited and the National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre’s (NAIK) Feed and Meat Industry Research Centre.


The European Commission on Agriculture hold a session every two years. Its task is the technical preparation of the FAO Regional Conference. Attendance is open to all FAO member states form the European and Central African region. NGOs and representatives of agriculture organisations may also attend the session as observers.

(Ministry of Agriculture Press Office)