In the present spring period, the government will contribute to the preservation of Hungarian forests by planting 22 million saplings, the Minister of Agriculture announced on Thursday in Kismaros.

At the ceremony organised on the occasion of the International Day of Forests, István Nagy said planting these trees means having a new forest area of 2 000 – 2 500 hectares.

He added that the Ministry has already granted permission to plant more than 4 800 hectares of forests this year, and applications for another 1 200 hectares are under evaluation at the moment. The Ministry wants to increase the territory of Hungarian forests by 6 000 hectares this year, to contribute thereby also to the purity of air and to the fight against climate change.

The Minister said the 22 million saplings are meant to revive forests and the 6 000 hectares represent new afforestation. He added that more than half of forest areas in Hungary are state-owned, and the state forestry holdings implement tourism and public welfare developments of several billion forints annually. They manage a total of 81 lookout points, 159 accommodation facilities, 36 forest schools and 25 visitor centres, he explained.

Bence Rétvári, Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs of the Ministry of Human Capacities (Emmi) and KDNP MP of the region spoke of the fact that, thanks to the economic achievements, more and more families can afford to spend a long weekend or even a whole week in forests, on excursions, in Hungary. He added that according to Eurostat, 2 million more can afford a two-week holiday than in 2010.

At the end of the celebration, Minister István Nagy handed over forestry honours and awards.