Thanks to the efforts of the Hungarian animal health authority, following a break of 16 years it has now again become possible for us to export Hungarian beef and beef products to Saudi Arabia. The Middle Eastern country opened its gates to Hungarian beef products at the end of March. The Ministry of Agriculture has already submitted the details of the three Hungarian companies audited by the Saudi food safety authority in 2016.

The Saudi Food and Drug Authority lifted the export ban on Hungarian beef and beef products, which had been in force since 2001, at the end of March. Experts from the Saudi food safety authority performed on-site inspections in Hungary in April of 2016, as a result of which the right to issue export licences to Saudi Arabia has been transferred to the Hungarian food safety authority (the National Food Chain Safety Office, NFCSO). The favourable decision is an acknowledgement of the efforts of Hungary’s food safety authority to successfully improve the country’s animal health status.

Saudi Arabia is a major importer of beef, and imported 178 thousand tons of beef in 2016, meaning the lifting of the ban represents an important opportunity for Hungarian enterprises. The Ministry of Agriculture has already submitted the details of the three Hungarian companies audited by the Saudi food safety authority in 2016 to assure rapid registration.

One of the Government’s primary goals is to create new market opportunities for Hungarian enterprises, and accordingly following the lifting of the ban on beef carcasses and processed beef products, another Saudi delegation was received early this year to examine the export ban on live cattle. According to preliminary information, the result of the visit is expected to be similarly favourable.

(Ministry of Agriculture Press Office)