Minister of Agriculture Sándor Fazekas thanked ambassador Ksenija Škrilec for her work as head of the Slovenian mission since the autumn of 2013 and praised their recent successful cooperation.

Mr. Fazekas praised the Slovenian “Honey Morning” initiative aimed at promoting the consumption of honey, stressing that he regards the development of the honey sector as important, and accordingly Hungary was glad to join and support the programme. The Minister also felt is important to point out that cooperation between the two countries had become increasingly close, for instance with regard to Visegrád Group (V4) cooperation, developing the programme for the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the Muravidék/Prekmurje economic development programme.

DownloadPhoto: Csaba Pelsőczy/ Ministry of Agriculture

Mr. Fazekas explained that Hungary was also counting on the involvement of Slovenia in the expert and high-level leadership work that will doom begin during the current Hungarian presidency of the Visegrád Group. The first station of these efforts will be the summit of V4 agriculture ministers held on the sidelines of the OMÉK Agriculture and Food Industry Expo in September.

Mr. Fazekas gladly accepted the invitation of Slovenian Minster of agriculture Dejan Židan to attend the 12th China-CEEC Agricultural Trade and Economic Cooperation Forum to be held on 25-27 August 2017, and to participate in the 55th AGRA International Agriculture Expo. In addition, with relation to forestry cooperation, the Ambassador mentioned that the Hungarian-Slovenian Forestry Working Group would be meeting in Slovenia this year, to which she cordially invited the Hungarian Agriculture Minister.

(Ministry of Agriculture Press Office)