The Hungarian companies exhibiting at the biggest food industrial, beverages and packaging technology event of the UK are optimistic because of the professional interest shown for our domestic products, Deputy State Secretary for International Relations of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) Zsolt Belánszky-Demkó stated at the opening ceremony of the Hungarian booth of the International Food and Drink Event (IFE).

Presence at the Event is particularly important for Hungarian businesses, because it offers useful information and an opportunity for direct, on-site orientation on the expected market consequences of BREXIT and the opportunities of economic cooperation, and it promotes establishing contacts with potential British buyers.

Hungarian-British agrarian trade showed dynamic growth in the past years. Hungarian agrarian exports to the United Kingdom rose by 75 percent from 2010 and 2018 and, consequently, the balance almost doubled (+117%). Export expansion is due mainly to highly processed goods, in line with the goals of Hungarian agrarian policy, Zsolt Belánszky-Demkó emphasised at the event held in London.

On the sidelines of the exhibition, the Deputy State Secretary held consultations with James Murray, director responsible for international exhibitors of the firm organising the event and Andy Burman, the international sales manager of the company, on the market entry opportunities of Hungarian agricultural companies and the promotion of premium quality Hungarian food products.

With the support of the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture, the Event organised for the 21st time already gave an opportunity to nine Hungarian exhibitors to present their products to visitors and hold negotiations with foreign professional partners at their 102 m2 national booth.

(AM Press Office)