Within the framework of the High Level Strategic Cooperation Council headed by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Minister of Agriculture Sándor Fazekas held talks with Turkish Minister of Food Agriculture and Livestock Faruk Çelik and Minister of Forestry and Water Veysel Eroğlu.

Mr. Fazekas and Minister of Food Agriculture and Livestock Faruk Çelik held successful discussions on increasing Hungarian-Turkish agricultural trade flow and on the animal and plant health issues required to achieve this goal. in addition to Hungarian cattle exports, the two ministers also discussed market opportunities for Hungarian wheat and sweetcorn, as well as cooperation between the two countries on agricultural research.

Based on the ministerial-level negotiations, a working group will be set up before the end of this year to determine the technical details of the topics discussed.

The Minister of Agriculture and Turkey’s Minister of Forestry and Water Veysel Eroğlu met in Ankara to discuss cooperation with regard to the protection of endangered species, the management of protected areas and the preservation of biodiversity.

Mr. Fazekas presented his negotiating partner with an invitation for Turkish forest management exports to visit Hungary and drew attention to the importance of the Hungarian-Turkish agreement on forestry cooperation concluded in 2013.

The two ministers signed declaration of intent on opportunities for nature conservation and cooperation with relation to national parks, which enables efficient cooperation on the part of Hungarian and Turkish experts within the fields of protecting endangered species and managing protected areas and populations living in the wild.

(Ministry of Agriculture Press Office)