The Council of Environment Ministers of the European Union met in Luxembourg on 19 June 2017. Head of the Hungarian delegation, Minister of State for Environmental Affairs, Agricultural Development and Hungaricums Zsolt V. Németh stressed that the efficient implementation of environmental regulations continues to be a priority for Hungary.

The Ministers agreed that more effective action is needed in the interests of the realisation of EU targets relating to stopping and reversing the reduction of biodiversity by 2020.

With regard to facilitating the realisation of EU targets, the Minister of State said: “Hungary also regards the tracking and efficient application of environmental expenditure, and the development and implementation of conservation action plans, as important”.

On the sidelines of the meeting, Mr. V. Németh held bilateral talks with EU Commissioner for Maritime Affairs, Fisheries and Environment Karmenu Vella. At the meeting, the parties discussed, amongst others, the legislative changes that fundamentally affect national waste management systems, which have been put forward as part of the package of proposals relating to the transition towards a more circular economy.

The Minister of State informed the EU Commissioner about Hungary’s significant achievements within the field of waste management, including the major reduction in landfilling and the dynamic increase in recycling. He also put forward Hungary’s comments and concerns with relation to the realisation of the waste management targets outlined by the European Commission, which are based on the results of an impact study prepared by an independent consultant.

The head of the Hungarian delegation stressed that achievable and realistic goals need to be set that take into account the various special circumstances of member states, including both the quantity and make-up of waste that enables the exploitation of existing and future waste management capacities.

Karmenu Vella praised Hungary’s achievements within the field of waste management and indicated that the Commission is approaching the further discussion of the results of Hungary’s impact study in a constructive and open manner.

(Ministry of Agriculture Press Office)