Minister of Agriculture Sándor Fazekas and Vietnam’s newly appointed Ambassador to Budapest Thanh Tuan Nguyen met on Tuesday to discuss cooperation in agriculture.

At the meeting, the Hungarian Minister of Agriculture and Ambassador Thanh Tuan Nguyen reviewed existing agricultural cooperation between their two countries, which has been recently expanded with new agreements on cooperation within the fields of plant protection, public storage and water management.

DownloadPhoto: Csaba Pelsőczy

The parties also emphasised that the current number of Vietnamese students attending Hungarian universities within the framework of the state-funded Stipendium Hungaricum programme will be doubled from 2015.

At the meeting, Mr. Fazekas said that the Ministry would provide all necessary support to enable the further development of existing relations and the establishment of new ones. Ambassador Nguyen also highlighted the importance of expanding links and cooperation.

Hungary’s objective is to achieve an increase in trade between the two countries, to which the already existing cooperation and the fact that Hungary more than doubled its exports to Vietnam during the first eight months of 2014 provide an excellent foundation.

(Ministry of Agriculture)