“The Ministry of Agriculture places priority attention on maintaining agrarian relations with cross-border Hungarians, on promoting hand-made Hungarian products and on helping them reach the market”, Deputy State Secretary Katalin Tóth said at the opening ceremony of the 4th Hungarian Cheese Show in Nyiregyhaza, Northeast Hungary.

The Deputy State Secretary said the aim of the event was to expand relations between Hungarian and cross-border cheese a milk product manufacturers and enterprises.

“By appearing at this and similar expos, presenting their products and promoting them to the general public, producers are also facilitating an increase in rural tourism. Another goal is to encourage local hotels and restaurants to include foods made with local and seasonal products on the dinner tables of their village tourism guests”, Ms. Tóth highlighted.

The aim of the two-day event is to support Hungarian master cheese makers and producers, present the quality cheese a milk products of every region of the Carpathian Basin, and to contribute to expanding the expert knowledge of farmers through scientific lectures and panel discussions.

A cheese contest and trade conference will be held on 30 September, while on 1 October visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy a cheese market, cheese-making presentations, children’s programmes and musical productions.

(Ministry of Agriculture Press Office)