“Hungarian agriculture experts are ready to cooperate with their Palestinian colleagues within the fields of research & development and education”, Minister of Agriculture Sándor Fazekas said at the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Hungarian and Palestinian agriculture ministries.

The parties agreed to facilitate scientific research on fruit and vegetable production, horticulture and food and feed crops including cereals, fruits and vegetables.

They also agreed that both Hungary and Palestine could successfully exploit the mutual exchange of knowledge and information within the fields of fish management and aquaculture. Mr. Fazekas also highlighted the fact that students from Palestine have multiple scholarship opportunities available to study agricultural engineering and veterinary science in Hungary and a new joint programme with the FAO will also be available from 2017.

The delegation led by Palestinian Minister of Agriculture Dr. Sufian Sultan also visited Hungary’s best research centres within the fields of animal and plant genetics, horticulture and fruit and vegetable research in Gödöllő and Kecskemét, in addition to which they also showed a heightened interest in Hungarian agricultural trade opportunities.

(Ministry of Agriculture Press Office)