Minister of Agriculture Sándor Fazekas was presented with individual certificates of accreditation for three Hungarian meat processing plants by his Philippine counterpart Emmanuel Piñol in Budapest on 23 May. The presentation of the documents represents the successful conclusion of an authorisation procedure lasting almost three years. The companies in question will soon begin to export their products to the Southeast Asian country.

The issuing of the import licences to the three plants in Kaposvár, Kisvárda and Nyírbátor was preceded by long negotiations and an on site audit in October 2014. The licences make it possible for the companies in question being exporting their products to the Southeast Asian country in the near future.

DownloadPhoto: Csaba Pelsőczy/ Ministry of Agriculture

The two agriculture ministers also agreed to launch an expert exchange programme within the field of agricultural research, and especially with regard to rice and cattle.

DownloadPhoto: Csaba Pelsőczy/ Ministry of Agriculture

Hungary’s food chain supervision authority has been in negotiation with its partner authority in the Philippines since 2010 concerning export opportunities for pork, poultry and beef, according to the requirements of Hungarian enterprises. The auditing of further meat processing plants are expected in future, which is highly important to Hungary.

(Ministry of Agriculture Press Office)