“Our common history and Croatia’s membership of the European union are both important links connecting the two countries, and accordingly maintaining good, neighbourly relations and close cooperation in professional issues is in our mutual interests”, Minister of Agriculture Sándor Fazekas declared during his conversation with Croatian Ambassador Gordan Grlić Radman.

The apropos for the courtesy visit was that the Croatian Ambassador is completing his tour of duty in Budapest.

DownloadPhoto: Csaba Pelsőczy/ Ministry of Agriculture

Mr. Fazekas thanked the Ambassador for his work as head of the Croatian diplomatic mission since the autumn of 2012, and expressed his appreciation of the fact that the outgoing Ambassador was awarded the Commander’s Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit (civil division) on 7 July 2017.

“Our southern neighbour is one of or important partners, and accordingly we have decided to make use of the opportunities provided by our current presidency of the Visegrád Group (V4) to offer Croatia the chance to take part in our joint efforts aimed at ensuring the region’s joint representation of interests in Brussels’ decision-making. Croatia requires significant food exports, especially during the summer tourist season, which Hungary is capable of providing thanks to its geographical position. As a result, Croatia is one of our most important trade partners. Taking part in our countries’ agriculture and food expos serves to expand our trade relations. This year, Hungary will be showcasing its products as the partner country of the Spring Bjelovar Fair”, Mr. Fazekas told the press.

The Ambassador likened Hungarian-Croatian relations to a family link. “Open questions, new challenges and possible conflicts also exist within a family. It is easy to find a solution with regard to our common past”, he said. With relation to professional cooperation, the Ambassador highlighted the importance of cooperation between the two countries’ agriculture and veterinary chambers.

There is also close cooperation between Hungary and Croatia within the field of conservation, with relation to which the Minister of Agriculture highlighted the Mura-Drava-Danube Biosphere Reserve realised within the framework of UNESCO’s Man and Biosphere programme (MAB) as the most important achievement. The Hungarian-Croatian Joint Environmental Protection and Conservation Committee will be meeting in Budapest at the end of October, and is an important platform for discussing current environmental protection issues.

(Ministry of Agriculture Press Office)