Slovakia and Hungary will be submitting a joint proposal calling for a debate on the dual quality of foods within the European Union and for the development of the legal instruments required to prevent this, at the upcoming session of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council on 6 March.

The Government’s opinion continues to be that the issue must be settled at a European level. There is currently no legal basis within the EU for taking action against large corporations because of differences in the quality of foods. Accordingly, the Hungarian Government welcomes the Slovakian initiative for the Visegrád Group to discuss the issue at the highest possible level at the earliest opportunity. We expect the European Commission to examine this issue and to find a legal solution to ensure that consumers form Hungary, Slovakia, Austria and Germany alike can purchase identical products made by the same manufacturers in the same level of quality throughout the Community. At the upcoming session of the European Union’s Agriculture and Fisheries Council on 6 March, Slovakia and Hungary will be submitting a joint proposal calling on Brussels to amend the legal environment.

The Government of Hungary will continue to protect the interests of Hungarian families and is encouraging everyone to purchase good quality, Hungarian foods.

(Ministry of Agriculture Press Office)