“An outstanding 63 billion forints worth of environmental protection and conservation development projects are being realised in Hungary during the 2014-2020 period”, Minister of Agriculture Sándor Fazekas said on Saturday in Tiszaderzse.

Speaking at the “Lake Tisza, Clean Lake” environment conference and an event organised by the Congress of Lake Tisza Mayors, Mr. Fazekas said: “Of all previous cabinets, the Government of national issues is doing the most for, and is the most committed to, environmental protection and conservation”, adding that the condition of some 100 thousand hectares of protected natural areas will be successfully improved within the framework of the Environmental and Energy Efficiency Operative Programme and other programmes.

The Minister spoke about the fact that the area around Lake Tisza has also been improving for years, including the completion of the cycling centre and the Kisköre fishway, which represents a unique tourist attraction, in addition to which plans also include the expansion of the Lake Tisza water promenade.

Mr. Fazekas highlighted the fact that the employment situation in the counties surrounding Lake Tisza is also improving, with unemployment having fallen by 50 percent and an increase of some 25-35 percent in the income generated within the region. “The turnover of commercial accommodation services also showed dynamic growth between 2010 and 2016, with the number of hotel guests doubling in Heves County and a 34.7 percent increase in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County”, he said, adding that amongst others the increase was partly the result of spa tourism and the churches that had been renovated thanks to the Lake Tisza Churches programme.

(MTI/Ministry of Agriculture Press Office)