“In addition to the countries of the Visegrád Group (Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary, the V4), Romania and Bulgaria may also take action with regard to the dual quality of food within the European Union”, the Ministry of Agriculture’s Minister of Sate for Food Chain Supervision Róbert Zsigó said on Hungarian M1 television’s Monday evening current affairs program.

This topic could also be a subject of discussion between Prime Ministers at Thursday’s V4 summit, he said.

“It would seem that at least the V4 are achieving solidarity on the issue, in addition to which Romania has also ordered an investigation into the affair and Bulgaria is also planning similar action”, Mr. Zsigó said.

The Minister of State stressed that action must be taken against the dual quality of foods under all circumstances, and the legal solution to the affair is in the hands of the European Commission.

Slovakia and Hungary are submitting a joint proposal asking for a discussion on the dual quality of foods within the European Union at the upcoming session of the EU’s Agriculture and Fisheries Council on 6 March, the Ministry of Agriculture told Hungarian news agency MTI on Monday.

According to the press statement, Slovakia and Hungary will be submitting a joint proposal at the meeting, and calling on the European Commission to amend the current legal environment. They are expecting the Commission to investigate the issue and find a legal solution to ensure that consumers form Hungary, Slovakia, Austria and Germany alike can purchase identical products made by the same manufacturers in the same level of quality.