Officials from the Ministry of Agriculture spoke about the courage and heroism of our ancestors 169 years ago and about the strength that lies in solidarity and a ceremony to commemorate the 1848-49 Revolution and War of Independence.

“The Revolution may have been quashed by foreign arm, and was followed by decades of apathy, but the memory of 1848 that we cherish in our hearts continues, and was passed on like a baton”, the ministry of Agriculture’s Parliamentary State Secretary and the region’s member of Parliament István Nagy said in Lébény at the event organised to commemorate the 169th anniversary of the 1849-49 Revolution and War of Independence. In his speech, the Deputy Minister highlighted that it was the tough resistance and political sobriety that let to the Compromise of 1867, thanks to which Hungary experienced never before seen growth and development. Mr. Nagy also spoke about the symbolic significance of 1848. “The spring revolution symbolises renewal, youth and hope”, he said.

At the commemoration held for the 15th time in the town of Tápióság, in the electoral district of Minister of State for Agricultural Economy György Czerván, the Ministry’s Minster of State for Public Administration Andrea Gulyás inaugurated the carved wooden gate symbolising the entrance to the secondary school on the former estate of Count Sándor Szirmay, which was created by a local culptor with funding from local enterprises.

At his speech at the event, Mr. Czerván spoke about the fact that 15 March 1848 will always be about the brave and the well-known courage of the Hungarians. “This day is a warning to all of us that freddoms was never given to the Hungarians without struggle”, the Minster of State said, stressing that “History sometimes repeats itself, and today we must find the right path in a rapidly changing Europe”. Following his speech, the Ministers of State laid a wreath at the commemorative wooden column on Church Square in Tápióság.

In Szombathely, in his speech at the event organised to commemorate the beginning of the 1848-49 Revolution and War of Independence and the birth of modern parliamentary Hungary, Minister of State for Rural Development and Member of Parliament Zsolt V. Németh recalled the figure of Boldizsár Horváth. The former Member of Parliament for Szombathely was interned following the war, and later as a supporter of the Compromise and of consolidation became Minister of Justice in the Andrássy government. “The political, legal scholar and writer from Vas County was himself a symbol of the social and economic growth that was the result of the Revolution, and which made Hungary strong by the end of the 19th century”, the Minister of State said.

(Ministry of Agriculture)