“We will be further increasing the exchange of information between the Serbian and the Hungarian armed forces, so that we can counter illegal migration and terrorism more effectively”, Minister of Defense István Simicskó emphasized on Saturday, 19 August in Subotica following discussions with his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vulin.

Speaking at a press briefing held following the meeting, the Hungarian Minister of Defense stated that Serbia has assumed a major role in handling the migration crisis, adding that the two countries are continuing their cooperation in the interests of guaranteeing the security of their citizens.

Mr. Simicskó underlined that cooperation must be based on mutual respect, and that the governments of Hungary and Serbia are equally committed to continuing cooperation. He pointed out that the Hungarian minority in Vojvodina and the Serbian minority in Hungary are a connecting force that further expand the scope of cooperation.

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The Minister of Defense pointed out that the National University of Public Service is cooperating with the Serbian partner, meaning Serbian soldiers have opportunities to attend advanced training courses in Hungary.

With relation to this, Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin expressed his thanks for the participation of Hungarian troops in the multinational KFOR peacekeeping force operating under NATO command in Kosovo. As he explained, there are currently 373 Hungarian soldiers serving in Kosovo, and Serbia considers all initiatives aimed at reducing KFOR troop levels as unacceptable.

Speaking about illegal migration, he drew attention to the fact that, acting as a responsible country, Serbia is not shifting the burden of migration onto its neighbors. He pointed out that there is excellent ongoing cooperation with the Hungarian Defense Force and intelligence agencies in the fight against migration and terrorism.

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Aleksander Vulin stated that the fight against terrorism is a national security priority, adding that Serbia will take action against terrorism irrespective of whether Serbia or another country should come under threat.

It has been revealed that the armed forces of Hungary and Serbia will hold two military exercises on Serbian territory in September, and that the Hungarian Minister of Defense has invited his counterpart to visit Budapest to continue dialogue on cooperation.

(Ministry of Defence/MTI)