Minister of Defence Dr. István Simicskó and Chief of Defence Gen. Dr. Tibor Benkő inspected the ongoing construction of the temporary security barrier in the region of the Hungarian–Croatian border on Wednesday.

Dr. Simicskó visited the Hódmezővásárhely forward command post of the HDF Joint Force Command in mid-September. On 30 September, he and Gen. Dr. Tibor Benkő were informed about the progress of construction on the temporary border security fence, the accommodation of military personnel and the activities of soldiers involved in police work.

Following the visit, the Minister of Defence stated that “our soldiers are working on extremely difficult terrain. At the same time, my experience is that they are highly dedicated and are doing an excellent job.” Dr. István Simicskó emphasised that the soldiers are doing their best to complete the Temporary Security Barrier on time, sparing no effort.

“I am satisfied that the soldiers’ accommodation and working conditions are good, they have come here from many garrisons, but everybody has found his task, and thanks to their commanders, work is progressing in an organised and motivated fashion”, the Minister of Defence stated.

During the visit, Dr. István Simicskó concluded that all Hungarians can be proud of their soldiers, who are working to make sure that people can live their everyday lives in safety. They deserve respect for moving out of their barracks to defend the country’s borders in the current crisis situation, he said. “Having recognised the danger and the new challenge, the Government had made the decision to involve the Hungarian Defence Force, which is taking decisive and effective action in the interests of Hungary’s security”, the Minister continued.

During the visit to the outskirts of Gyékényes, the Minister of Defence and Chief of Defence also determined further activities concerning the construction of the border barrier and other tasks.

(Ministry of Defence)