On Wednesday, 11 November, in the session of the Defence and Law Enforcement Committee of the National Assembly, Minister of Defence István Simicskó said that currently there are some 5,500 personnel in the reserves, and their call-up and training have continuously been going on since 2011–2012. These days, 454 reservists are assisting the Hungarian Defence Forces in the execution of tasks related to the handling of the migrant situation.

Mr. Simicskó added that over the recent period, the border defence tasks had involved more than 5,000 soldiers. Currently altogether 801 reservists are on duty, and more than 450 of them are participating in Operation “Common Will”.

The Minister of Defence started his report by stating that now it is already untimely to debate the necessity of the reserve system. Especially since the abolition of conscription, the reserve system has gone a long way toward strengthening the relations between the military and the society.

The Minister said that a proposal concerning the long-term sustainability and stabilization of the reserve system would soon be submitted to the government. Among other things, it includes the idea of reaching out to young people in connection with sports related to national defence.

(Ministry of Defence)