Hungary is a strong ally: it has raised its defence budget, developed its capabilities and is ready to participate in the security assurance measures of the region, the Commander of Allied Joint Force Command (JFC) Brunssum emphasized at a press briefing held in Budapest on Monday, July 6.

General Hans-Lothar Domröse, who arrived in Budapest on Monday at the invitation of Chief of Defence Gen. Dr. Tibor Benkő, had discussions with Gen. Benkő and Minister of Defence Csaba Hende about the security challenges NATO is facing from the south and the east.

Hans-Lothar Domröse said that during these meetings, they agreed that the NATO nations must always be ready to deal with any threats anytime anywhere. The main topics of discussion included the Islamic State (IS), issues of migration, the threat from Russia and the situation in Ukraine.

The NATO commander said that they also discussed the planned establishment of NATO Force Integration Units (NFIU) in several countries including Hungary, with a view to strengthening NATO’s eastern flank.

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Hans-Lothar Domröse said that they hope that the NATO defence ministers will approve the establishment of an NFIU in Székesfehérvár and that all conditions will be met for the start of its operation next year. He added that this will strengthen the security of Hungary and the region, and will make a significant contribution to guaranteeing the collective defence of the Alliance.

The German general also said that he is responsible for the new Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan, which has started this year and is considered very important by NATO. He noted that the earlier 100,000 strong international force has been reduced to some 12,000, and they are aiming to further reduce the number of troops present in the country by the end of 2016 or in 2017.

DownloadPhoto: Tibor Illyés/MTI

NATO stays committed to Afghanistan, and is working to ensure that the Afghan authorities can function effectively and prevent corruption, that the police and the military can provide security for the population, and that the people of the region “win the peace and have a better future”, the commander emphasized, adding that it is the purpose of their presence in the country.

Hans-Lothar Domröse pointed out that Hungary too has long undertaken a significant role in the Afghanistan missions. He said that some years ago, he personally visited the Hungarian Provincial Reconstruction Team in Pol-e Khomri, where he learned that the Hungary-led contingent had a crucial role in the mission and made major contributions to strengthening security at the airport in Northern Kabul.

(Ministry of Defence)