The Hungarian Defence Forces continue their engagement in Afghanistan in the framework of the NATO-led Resolute Support Mission (RSM), which started on 1 January 2015. The new mission focuses on training and mentoring the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) and on giving advice to government organs.

On 12 December, the Hungarian government adopted a decision which specifies Hungary’s contributions to the new mission of the Alliance. These comprise a Special Operations Contingent, a Mi–17 transport helicopter Air Advisory Team, a National Support Element, a Force Protection Platoon and several officers delegated to commands on different levels – amounting to a total troop strength of around 100 people.

The RSM replaces NATO’s International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) mission which ended at the end of 2014. As part of reducing the ISAF operational strength, Hungary had already started to gradually withdraw its forces from Afghanistan in 2013; nevertheless, Hungary’s firm commitment to the Alliance and to the stability of the region is reflected in the Hungarian Defence Forces’ continued participation in the new NATO-led mission.

(Ministry of Defence)