Close to 1,000 volunteer reservists are currently on active duty in the military organizations of the Hungarian Defence Force.

The soldiers of the Hungarian Defence Force have been assigned scores of additional tasks beyond their core duties over the recent period, which necessitated calling up volunteer operational reservists to active duty in the military organizations of the Hungarian Defence Force. Acting upon the Chief of Defence’s proposal, Minister of Defence of Hungary Dr. István Simicskó made a decision in mid-September about an unscheduled call-up of volunteer reservists.


Accordingly, in the last few weeks, the HDF Augmentation and Central Registry Command sent out more than 500 call-up orders to volunteer operational reservists in addition to the target figures of the annual schedule.

Thanks to the unscheduled call-ups, today close to 1,000 volunteer reservists are on active duty in the military organizations of the Hungarian Defence Force. Some of them are participating in special training events or are performing their scheduled active duties. Several hundreds of them are involved in various administrative, logistical, servicing and supporting tasks to relieve those active contract and career soldiers who are presently executing the tasks of the Hungarian Defence Force arising from the migration crisis and are constructing the temporary security barrier along the border.

(Ministry of Defence)