As a result of the reinforcement measures taken in the recent period, Hungary will be a member of a more agile and stronger NATO by next summer, the Minister of Defence stated at the annual conference of defence, military and air attachés in Budapest on Tuesday, 30 June.

Minister of Defence Csaba Hende reiterated that Europe’s security environment has significantly deteriorated over the last one year. Hungary is facing challenges from the East and the South, such as the crisis in Ukraine, the instability spreading from Yemen through Syria and Libya to the Sahel region, and the increasing flow of refugees into Europe in consequence of ISIL’s (the Islamic State) activity. The conflicts arising in the South and in the East have caused a humanitarian crisis, the Minister said, adding that according to figures released by the UN at the end of last year, 15 million people were forced to flee from their homes in Iraq and Syria alone, and 60 million people worldwide.

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The flood of refugees places an enormous burden on Europe, Minister Hende pointed out, noting that people are flocking to join the terrorist organization from several European countries, including the Balkans. These warriors – as a rule, second or third-generation young people with Muslim roots who were unable to integrate into Europe – may pose a serious threat when they return, Minister Hende said. 

In his speech, the Minister of Defence deliberately used the expression ISIL, because, as he said, the name of the terrorist organization “Islamic State” offends against many Muslims’ religious beliefs, especially because all its actions are contrary to the religion of Islam. He pointed out that the ISIL’s expansion further increases the instability of Middle Eastern states, but went on adding that the efforts made by the international coalition against the terrorist organisation – which was formed at the United States’ initiative and now has 63 member countries – has so far been successful. Hungary has already supported the fight against the terrorist organization by contributing ammunition and financial aid, and in the future it will also send troops when the National Assembly gives its approval.

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Speaking about the crisis in Ukraine, Minister Hende emphasized that Russia has broken European norms and violated international laws, and its activity and communication pose a threat to Europe and NATO. At the same time, the Minister added that NATO has displayed exemplary quickness and efficiency in reacting to the war in Ukraine.

NATO member states approved a number of reinforcement measures at the Wales Summit last year. These included decisions about increasing the strength of the NATO Response Force (NRF) and the deployment of NATO Force Integration Units (NFIUs) in Eastern European countries, Minister Hende said, emphasizing that according to plan, one such command center will be set up in Hungary.

Minister Hende also stated that although the stability of the Western Balkans has receded into the background on an international level these days, Hungary continues to give it priority. In his opinion, despite the positive developments, the stabilization of the region is still incomplete, as Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo and Macedonia are facing serious challenges. Minister Hende said that Euro-Atlantic integration can be the final solution to these problems.

Hungary supports the idea that the most prepared countries, like, for instance Montenegro, should join NATO as soon as possible, the Minister said, emphasizing that Hungary is interested in a strong Europe with strong and workable security and defence policy. In addition, the defence cooperation among the Visegrád (V4) countries (the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary) has great importance too, the Minister said.

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Minister Hende highlighted the V4 EU Battle Group to be set up in January 2016, and said that the countries are continuously working on the sharing of military capabilities and are planning joint procurements of equipment. He called Italy and Germany especially important allies in the region, pointing out that Hungarian troops are cooperating with the forces of these countries in the Iraqi mission. Furthermore, the Hungarian Defence Forces will assume a role in another Italian-led EU Battle Group.

In his speech, Minister Hende stated that the Military National Security Service (MNSS) has done an outstanding job in the last one year. The Minister of Defence also said that the MNSS is to continue operating in a renovated and modern, state-of-the-art central complex by early 2017 at the latest.

Minister Hende stated that the military attachés work in key positions in defence of the homeland, and much hinges on their performance. The Minister requested the military attachés serving in foreign countries to further raise the level of international contacts, to give priority to the development of Hungarian defence industry cooperation and to assume a role in the professional activities of Hungarian Trading Houses.

(Ministry of Defence)