Deputy State Secretary for European and American Affairs Kristóf Altusz opened the reception commemorating the 15th anniversary of the International Visegrad Fund and the upcoming 25th anniversary of the Visegrad Cooperation. The event was organised by the Ministry and the Young Diplomats’ Club of Budapest.

The reception took place on 11 December 2015 under the title ‘Central Europe. Granted. 25 years of Visegrad Cooperation, 15 years of the International Visegrad Fund’. The event celebrated the double anniversary and concluded an international conference on the International Visegrad Fund.

The one-day conference, entitled ‘International Visegrad Fund: 15 years behind, many more ahead’ was organised by the Antall József Knowledge Centre in cooperation with the Ministry. Participants discussed the results and future prospects of the Fund, the only joint V4 institution, which fosters regional cooperation through providing various grants and scholarships.

DownloadDeputy State Secretary Altusz emphasised the crucial role of trust and solidarity that has emerged within the Visegrad Group. Photo: KKM

At the evening reception, welcome speeches were delivered by Deputy State Secretary Kristóf Altusz and Executive Director of the Fund Ms Beata Jaczewska. Participants were also greeted by co-president of the Young Diplomats’ Club Mr András Máté Lázár.

Mr. Altusz emphasised the crucial role of trust and solidarity that has emerged within the Visegrad Group. Executive Director Jaczewska highlighted that the V4 is not only an inter-governmental cooperation; it has also become an everyday reality for a number of citizens, NGOs and institutions which benefit from activities of the International Visegrad Fund, thus bringing together societies of the four cooperating countries.

Besides participants of the conference – professors, researchers, artists and students involved in V4-funded projects – the event attracted several ambassadors and other members of the diplomatic corps as well as government officials and experts. More than 100 people attended.

Established two decades ago, the Young Diplomats’ Club, currently under the patronage of Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó, has been organising various events and programmes to facilitate networking and professional development of Hungarian officials and diplomats posted in Budapest, raising awareness to Hungarian foreign policy goals as well.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)