Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó has come to an agreement with his Croatian counterpart on Hungarian-Croatian cross-border commuting, according to a statement posted to the Minister’s Facebook page on Sunday morning.

“A few days ago, Hungarian wine-growers from the Muraköz (Međimurje) region, living on the other side of the Hungarian-Croatian border, contacted my fellow MP Péter Cseresznyés to complain about the fact that in view of the restrictions introduced at the border, they are unable to cross the border to Hungary to tend to their vineyards. And if they do not perform the work now, there will definitely be no harvest”.
For this reason, Mr. Szijjártó made a phone call to Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlić-Radman yesterday, and the parties quickly came to an agreement with relation to enabling commuting across the border. “This is good for closely-linked communities living on both sides of the border, and it is good for the economies of both countries”, the Minister declared. “The two chiefs of police will be coming to an agreement on the details and the spring work can now begin!”, Mr. Szijjártó wrote in his post.