“There are several attempts underway to disrupt the unity of the Visegrád Group (V4), but these remain unsuccessful; the V4 is committed to rejecting the migrant quotas”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said in an interview for the Reuters news agency published on Wednesday.

The standpoint of the V4 remains firm following last week’s informal meeting of EU foreign minsters in Tallinn, Estonia, he noted.

“All of us assured the others that we will continue to fight and will not change our standpoint on illegal migration and the quotas”, he said. “Suggestions that Hungary or Poland could become isolated within the EU and that Slovakia and the Czech Republic will distance themselves from them within the V4 are unfounded”, he added.

Mr. Szijjártó made it clear that Hungary will not renounce any part of its sovereignty in favour of the EU.

“I do not agree at all with the idea that the EU will become stronger the weaker its member states become. I regard this concept as a dead-end”, he said with relation to the idea that integration must be tightened following the exit of Great Britain in 2019.

He added, however, that Hungary supports the joint standpoint within the field of defence, in view of the fact that a joint European military force would make member states stronger and would serve the interests of the hole community.