Prime Minister Viktor Orbán had a negotiation with Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel in Budapest on Monday which took place in a friendly atmosphere, and there was no tension whatsoever between the two parties during the discussion, said Péter Szijjártó on Monday in the TV programme ‘Public Speaking’ (“Közbeszéd”) of the Hungarian public television channel Duna TV.

In connection with the Chancellor’s comment at the press conference following the negotiations that she does not know what to make of the word ‘illiberal’ in the context of democracy, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade said that different countries may think about democracy in a different way.

According to him, the situation of non-governmental organisations was also discussed during the negotiations and Viktor Orbán made it clear that albeit he considers the functioning of civil organisations important from the point of view of the development of the society, he expects their activities to be transparent.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)