“Increasing anti-Hungarian sentiment could also influence Hungary’s position on Romania, as well as some decisions”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó declared in Monday in Budapest following a press conference on another topic.

“Maintaining relations that are based on mutual respect is important because of Hungarians who are living in a minority. Accordingly, it is regrettable that anti-Hungarian sentiment has now also pervaded important levels of Romanian political life”, Mr. Szijjártó said.

“Good relations would not only favour Hungarians living there, but also Romania itself in view of the fact that it could count on cooperation from Hungary with relation to both European affairs and trade issues”, he added.

The Minister pointed out that until very recently Hungarian-Romanian relations were very successful, and the fact that the parties succeeded in resolving the problems relating to the Roman Catholic Lyceum in Târgu Mureș (Marosvráshely) bears symbolic significance. “The generation of tension must be rejected, however, and accordingly Hungary is prepared to take action against anti-Hungarian sentiment even at international level”, he emphasised.

On the subject of the election of EU officials, Mr. Szijjártó declared that Hungary’s position has been clear and unequivocal from the beginning. “Any candidate who does not respect European nations, does not respect Christian values and does not want to stop migration cannot count on Hungary’s support”, the Minister stated.