“The diversity of the Hungarian economy is indicated by the fact the enterprises that have applied for funding within the framework of the competitiveness-increasing program are active in over 30 different sectors of industry”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said at a press conference in Budapest on Tuesday.

The Minister added that 806 enterprises are taking part in the program, undertaking to realise 377 billion forints (EUR 1.095 billion) in investment in their applications. 143,618 workplaces are being saved thanks to these development projects. Mr. Szijjártó highlighted that a new global economic competition will soon be beginning with new rules, a new distribution of power and new participants, in which the competitiveness of the Hungarian economy will be determined by precisely those investments aimed at increasing capacity and modernising technology that Hungarian enterprises are now realising.

“These investment projects are also contributing to enabling the Hungarian economy to return to its pre-crisis growth trajectory as soon as possible: at the end of 2019, Hungary had the highest rate of economic growth in Europe”, the Minister stated.

“For ten years, we have been working to make Hungary the most attractive investment environment in Central Europe, and the goal now is to preserve that position, and this requires the investment projects that are now being launched, since it is thanks to these that the Hungarian economy will also be successful within the new global economic competition”, he explained.

Mr. Szijjártó said the Hungarian government is continuing to work to protect jobs, and is striving to create at least as many new workplaces as are being ruined as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. “This is why the government’s new economic action plan is concentrating on financing investment projects, because protecting workplaces and creating new ones both require investments”, he declared. Three more companies were presented with their funding certificates at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade on Tuesday.

Hajdúhús 2000 Ltd’s 574.54-million-forint (EUR 1.67 million) investment is receiving 287.27 million forints (EUR 834 thousand) in state funding. The 563.82-million-forint (EUR 1.64) investment being realised by Semler Ltd. will be receiving 282.40 million forints (EUR 820 thousand) in budgetary funding. The Hungarian state will be contributing 106.04 million forints (EUR 308 thousand) towards the 212.08-million-forint (EUR 616 thousand) investment being realised by Zwack Unicum Plc.

Mr. Szijjártó said with relation to the three companies that the investment projects they are undertaking to realise will enable them to successfully protect a total of 564 workplaces. He also drew attention to the fact that Zwack Unicum’s new investment project will enable it to increase the capacity of its packaging plant in Dunaharaszti by 25 percent, which in turn will enable an increase in the company’s exports. “Hajdúhús, which is the largest and most important meat industry enterprise in Eastern Hungary, will be able to construct a freezing plant thanks to the investment, and thereby increase its export markets. Shoe industry company Semler Limited will have the opportunity to purchase a new plant thanks to its investment, and aims to increase the company’s capacities”, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade told the press.

Managing Director of Hajdúhús 2000 Ltd. István Papp said the company, which was founded 22 years ago as a family business, deals in the slaughtering of pigs and the production of premium quality pork products. The new investment project will help realise technological developments and an increase in the company’s export markets, their primary goal being to successfully enter the Chinese market, he explained.

Member of Parliament Péter Hoppál (Fidesz) said with relation to Semler Limited that its latest investment will enable the company to move to a new, self-owned, 7500-square-metre production hall, and to procure new equipment.

CEO of Zwack Unicom Frank Odzuck said the company’s main export markets include Italy, Germany, and the countries neighbouring Hungary.  The company has three main facilities in Hungary, with the production of Unicum occurring in Budapest, Hungarian palinka schnapps in Kecskemét, and a packaging plant in Dunaharaszti. The new investment project will enable the expansion of the company’s packaging plant, and facilitate the establishment of a second production line.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade / MTI)