According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, just like in 1848, the Hungarian people must also defend their freedom in solidarity today. Péter Szijjártó gave a speech at the monument to the Szekler Martyrs in Marosvásárhely (Târgu Mureș) on Thursday at an event to mark the 15 March national holiday.

“Recalling the past is a great opportunity to show that the Hungarian peoples are still the people of freedom today. Hungary is still the country of freedom today”, Mr. Szijjártó said.

“The 1848 revolution is not just history, it is out ‘heart and backbone’. The revolutionaries of the day were building their future, the present of people living today, when they fought for freedom. Today, the situation is once again that Hungary’s sovereignty and the freedom of the Hungarian people to make their own decisions must be fought for”, he declared.

“The Hungarians of today are also capable of changing the course of history, like their predecessors in 1848” he said.

“Nowhere can the Hungarian community by assimilated by force or placed at a disadvantage. Hungary’s national government will always stand up for the rights of cross-border Hungarians”, Mr. Szijjártó declared.

“In the spirit of mutual respect, we also expect countries in which Hungarian people live to enable them to celebrate their own heroes and their national solidarity. Because if the majority nation shows respect for minorities, it is also preserving its own dignity; if minorities area able to experience and pass on their self-identity, they strengthen the country in which they live, not weaken it”, he said.

According to the Foreign Minister, major forces have mobilised to assure that in the upcoming decades tens of millions of people set out for Europe from Africa and the Middle East, and the Western part of Europe is looking on “with their hands up”.

“The Hungarians can be proud of the fact that Hungary is the only country in the European Union to have asked the people if they want mass migration, and if they want to give up their sovereignty and their right to decide who they want to live with”, Mr. Szijjártó said.

“Preserving sovereignty is the path that guarantees the continued existence of the Hungarian peoples of the Carpathian Basin”, he added.

“Only nations that build on supporting and reinforcing families, honest work and understanding between generations have a future”, the Minister stated.
Mr. Szijjártó encouraged his audience to show Europe and the world that the opinion of the Hungarian nation cannot be ignored, and it is not worth doing so.