The 1st of March in 2017 marks the first celebration of ASEM Day, an initiative launched by the 53 members of the Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) at their last Summit in 2016.

Established 21 years ago, the ASEM process has evolved to be the most comprehensive platform for high-level dialogue between Europe and Asia, as its members represent some 60% of global GDP and the world’s population. This vast influence brings a joint responsibility to address today’s global challenges as well. Since its inception ASEM has proved itself as a crucial forum to coordinate and harmonize our strategies in tackling the most pressing issues.

Both continents are directly affected by climate change, mass migration and global terrorism. These challenges can only be dealt with shared responsibilities, joint actions, stronger cooperation and growing connectivity between our economies and societies.

We are confident that ASEM will continue to be a successful process for open and fruitful dialogue between the countries of Europe and Asia, offering an enabling environment to discuss common means to counter contemporary challenges. Hungary is dedicated to lend its support for the ASEM cooperation based on mutual respect and shared interests in the years to come.