“George Soros’s attack on Hungary has gained new momentum with the approach of Hungary’s parliamentary elections”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó told reporters on Wednesday in Budapest during a press conference held on a different topic.

“The Government is practicing an independent policy that solely represents the interests of the Hungarian people, and this will remain the case as long as it remains in office”, Mr. Szijjártó said. “This is all at odds with the interests of George Soros, and in recent years his plan has resulted in illegal immigration reaching mass numbers in Europe”, he added.

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“The Government is counting on the people’s help, because the more people take part in the National Consultation, and the broader the level of political support, the more effectively the Government will be able to take action in the interests of the country’s security”, the Minister highlighted.

According to Mr. Szijjártó, illegal immigration is clearly a security issue. “In recent years, 27 terrorist attacks have claimed 330 lives in Europe”, he pointed out.

“It is worth looking at to what extent George Soros has funded pro-immigration NGOs and with what pomp he has been received in Brussels. It transpires from this that the message he has sent with relation to the National Consultation falls into the category of making excuses”, he added.

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“Hungary would not be safe today if George Soros’s interests were being enforced”, the Minister said.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)