There is a major attack under way against Christian European civilisation; in order to stop it, we need European-Russian-American cooperation, and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) is the most important forum of this cooperation, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó stated in Berlin before the informal meeting of the foreign ministers of the OSCE Member States.

Upon speaking about the Hungarian position to be represented at the meeting to be held in Potsdam near Berlin, the Minister stressed in his statement given to the Hungarian public service media that “a security crisis” has evolved in Europe because there is a war being waged in the eastern neighbourhood, “the most serious pressure of immigration of all time” is weighing upon the borders from the south, and in the west “one of our most important allies” decided to leave the European Union.

The terrorist attacks, the brutal crime that was carried out in a Catholic church mid-mass in Rouen in France, and the violent acts committed against women all demonstrate that an attack has begun against Christian European civilisation, Mr Szijjártó underlined.

DownloadPhoto: Árpád Szabó/Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

“We are in the 24th hour”, and all European policies should now target the restoration of the European people’s security, the Minister said.

He highlighted that there is a need for a coordinated and united European security policy, with the establishment of a common European army in its focus, and that we must protect the borders of Europe. To this end, it is essential for the European institutions to abandon their “hypocritical policy with which they inspire people in the hundreds of thousands to come to Europe”.

As he said, European institutions should concentrate “on terminating the pressure of migration” as Hungary has done for a year and a half, “rather than inspiring immigrants”.

In addition to the establishment of a common army and the protection of the borders, it is additonally necessary, he added, “to definitively overcome” the terrorist organisation called Islamic State, and for Europe to contribute to a move towards the resolution of the conflicts in its south-eastern neighbourhood.

“Europe is not enough for this”; for the restoration of security, we need European-Russian-American cooperation. It is therefore important that Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the Foreign Minister of Germany, which currently holds the Presidency of the OSCE, convened the foreign ministers of the Member States as the OSCE is the most important forum of European-Russian-American partnership, Mr Szijjártó said.

In answer to a question regarding the changes in the German Government’s migration policy, the Minister said that differences have remained without doubt, and in the past year and a half, only the Hungarian position and that of the V4 Group (Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia) have been constant as regards their approach to the migration crisis, while “everything else has changed”.

“We are proud to say, and would like to say also in the future, that no illegal immigrants are entering the territory of either Austria, or Germany through Hungary, and this is why we are upgrading the security measures we had adopted earlier and are building a new fence on the border of Hungary and Serbia”, Mr Szijjártó said.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)